Sunday, May 30, 2010

pcp putrajaya competition 29 th may

helo reader,as i said blog will be  update soon right ? so there it is...
new news from me,yaa i noe u'll would be bored reading this,HAHA alaaaahhh xpe la ea ea ea :)

the comp = tu lah pmpn,susah bwt keputusan :P ,at last im entering the comp at hows it look alike ?
here the sinopsis 

by friday evening im calling yan at pcp and decide to enter the comp,fee ? 5 fun and fun..
im late and LOST !..u see @_@ and yan said...(BOLEH SESAT PEGI SINI )?? SESAT ?? haha..and i says..helo ter masuk presint 8 lah terrr okey terrr..then lin ikot smpi ehehehe :P..

begin with qualified route then pass then =to semi final route then pass= then final route many then lah lin..its okey lah even final route hard..ekekek here the pictures..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

nothing much..

hahah its been two days i haven't write on my blog,due tOo climb climb and climb..practice make perfect ! :)..have my own target,,oh yaaa..on 5th of june i have comp at camp 5,now im clearing route at shah alam,range 6a++ and more..loads of frends,my life is  more happier than before,yaa being single is the best for me for now even i can't accept it before,learnnn lin learnnn!!!...seee theres sunshine infront..hee hee hee...busying my life!..huh!.tired...tonight im heading to camp 5,looking for my friends and after that at shah alam training for next comp at camp 5,its okey if i am not good enough for this comp,i've learn everyday and its my experience lah..WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME? i noe my limit for this and i noe sometimes it is possible for me,heyyy nothing imposible in this world lah,MANA ADA KEMAHUAN DISITU ADA JALAN.. :)take it or leave it!! the harder route,got a week lagi before the comp...nervous,alaaa as usual  lah kn.. :)..i think its for now..tataaaaa,blog will updated SOON reader..:)..thanks 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

nanyang 23 may..aley!.

suka !..yess my 1st  impression..sbb ramai pulak kat nanyang smlm ptg..1 attempt route tatau lah bape dia nya gred..hehhh..syok!..angah,along,gg pown dtg tgk,ehehe,aril,mizi,kay,ramon,amani,LADY lady..wan,abe pown dorg tukang tgk,say hai je..eleh!,then naz,shella...alot of name to mention..we boulder dekat bawak gua kecil,si aril bagi route..niceeeeeeeeee....xla ssh sgt,even sbnarnya mmg ssh..but.BERJAYA abis kan..ekekek..
i go with aiza which is aiza sppose to climb tOOo..but when aiza saw otherss..aaaa dia cuak,then dia kata,tangan penah patah lah lin..but i will climb sooonnnnn ! mayb lah..hehh..then si aril suro climb route 6b++ kowt..HARAM..1st 1st dah ssh,sbb dah lah bwh mini kolam..hehh then i have to use the pocket,err not really pocket..but its looks like that lah..hehhh :P..then naz climb !..guysss you should interview naz..haha naz kata..GILA xcam route 6 b,6A..MATI,cm 8A..seeeeee i told you!..just that evening i geramm je..repeat route to mayb next!..sok sok sok sok sok sok sok and sok..and thinking of going to crabi end of this year!..seems awsome aril lah cite..ekeke..dorg sgt best sbb sgt2 menyokong kita bile climb,even they know its hard for me.but i've made it!!..zassss..hehh....and i think wee should go RAMAI2..syok ! kn..but i can't focus if tOo many of climber there,(pssttt psttt aril detect that !boooo...)aril kata..ko mesti xboleh org ramai kan ?org melihat ko panjat mesti xboleh kan ?Hahahahah ko neyh aril cm tau tau je kan........saya bukan poyo nk tunjuk saya panjat..wawawaw :P..hilang focus !..sbb b4 org ramai dtg,climb with a smile on my face..ekeke..

oh yaa,selit kan sikit!===== COMP di PCP putra ?mizi ckp msok la lin.timba pengalaman,i say..aaaa mayb next tyme comp at PCP lin nk climb balik sbb i wanted to..oh yaaa...on jun!...i entering camp 5 at OU..comp!mayb.we arrange the day and money..200 for 67 per mizi and angah..PCP putra COMP ? laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...xhilang gunung di kejar..eheh..i have to setel 6B route batu and wall..mayb more so that i can prepare for the next comp!..itu sahaja tajuk arini..aley !!! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

planning..thanks..hmmmmm !

mayb before ?
mayb after ? 1week ?2 week ?
yes that it!
now i know..hehhh
thank you 
thats you not least im not like you ..
double that..
im watching what next ! woohOooooooo!..


Monday, May 17, 2010

Hari belia 2010,15-16 may..( wall speed climbing and bouldering competition)

on 15-16 may,this story starts with..
  • they say "lin masuk la lin comp ni free je kowt,pmpn xramai la"
  • and i says " GILa ape ? tgk la sape masuk,climber mesia tu hah!"insane%&^&*(..
  • they says.."alaa suka suka je kan,mana tau ada rezeki ke"
  • and i says.."monolog- masuk ke x? masuk ke x ? masuk ke x? arghh!"
  • and i says.."yelah masuk jela,tppppp~ lin dah lama xclimb,gila tetibe masuk comp.."
  • they says.." HAHA try ~"..
  • and i says.."monolog--------------MATI---------"
  • begin with..." they put me into WALL SPEED CLIMBING OPEN,AND BOULDERING OPEN WOMAN"
  • and i says..."route cm HARAM"bet me !
  • my TURN begin~~~~~ try tgk!..
  • puppppaaaa puupaaaa pupaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,and kak SAL pown bagi semangat go gurlsssssss! boleh boleh,and i pown g lah dekat dia,berlindung di tgh panas,that infect me SUNBURN BURN,(double burn )and you cant imagine how dark i am ! T.T..pfftt.its ok,use vaseline ok ekekek..
  • and me masuk FINAL ????????? heh..biar betul..mereka buta ke ape?..and they ask!.."kenapa lama xclimb ? then masuk comp? bgs betul la..xtraining ape2 masuk comp..ekekek..and i says...KATA SUKA SUKA..this hows it looks lah hehhh!but they all best buat kawan..gila sangat rasa nya..cacat teruk mereka tu..listt outttttt plssss..mizi,ijat,shahir,kak sal,amoi,zul,mira,kak lily,cik ida,and many more!!..then suddenly si GG datang guess with who? her fiancee lah..comel and kecil me kad kawen dorg..
  • GG says--- "lin ko masok comp ke?"
  • i says---" yela,dorg pksa pksa..HAHA..asl?"
  • GG says--- betul ni ?
  • i says---yeeee,msuk final,tp sok la,GILA kan ?
  • GG?? gelak jela..hahaha bgs bgs bgs dia kata,beat them !..
  • i says---- urghhhhhhhhhhhh :P
guess what ? saturday night we'all mand swimming pool yang konon nya saya LEMAS tu...ceh~(ahahahhah )
dalam nya 2 meter..konon nya terer lah selamat kan org,ada lah sorg kawan kita tu..hahaha..dgn dia lin lemas kan..:P
then penat+hitam+barai+hujan+panas..GILA sangat2 heavyy malam tu..rasa nk bantal cpt2..xlarat nya,dah la sok ada final round..aiyarkkk!!..
then arrrived kat ampang kul 1.00 pagi..tdo~..bummmmmmmmm! sedar2 dah pagi...kerja membahan je malam tu,teka teki lah,AKU POWN KENA BAHAN SEKALI,..mampu senyum jela..xlarat la weii!..ngantuk..hehh

sunday morning wake up and says...senyum jela lin heeee
dtg kol 9 lebey kowt..
xsaraoan pagi then kol 10 panjat..
speed xbape nk speed sbb tgn masalah je rasa nya,plus panas padang pasir daaa

never aspect akan dapat no 4 and 5 for speed 4,boulder 5..hamper and medal and sijil..hehh yela pmpn kan..xla bape nk ramai..but pasni saya akan train dri sndri utk comp!wooHoooo.. ;p

pastu kene bahan lagi.."lin jangan lemas lagi ye lin??kayuhh kayuhh laju lagi laju agg allalalalalal"
siott! punya ijat..hehh..
we end the comp with smile..sbb nya macam2 bnde jadi,yes its fun tOo..

p/s:TERIMA KASIH sbb sokong lin korg :) sangat2 hargai tu semua..


perkataan yang lemah lembut itu melembutkan hati yang lebih keras dari batu batu dan perkataan yang kasar akan mengasarkan hati yang lebih halus dari sutera :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

should it be this !!

today ? jalan2 je,watching moviee alone,buying somethings that hehh gurls lah kan!!,i just know something that surprising me..just let me kept it :), deserve you be that..xbaik bwt org macam tu,sbb saya xpernah bwt cik macam tu..why ea? u never learned,dun says that im the one whos bad for you..dun ever says that im the one who make a problems/mistakes with you,we just HUMAN..never perfect at watching what next :)..its JUST ALASAN lah,STOP blaming others,its just YOU had a problems with yourself,not me...look urself..deep inside...APA YANG ANDA MAHU ? playing ?keep on playing with urlife,sampai mati pown org KEEP on mangata BELAKANG2..did you know? its 1:1000 whos likes you,trust you,blaablaabllaaaa..BET me..all i can says is watching and diam :)..keep on doing something that can bring you down unconditionally... sabar is the best medicines for yourlife happy..hipokrit is me..loved being hipokrit..because we'all in this WORLD is hipokrit,totally :),if u an angle than yes ur not hipokrit..we can't be ourself FOR A CERTAIN THING,is it ?thank you for messing my life..

noted: HER..psychic..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HAppY HaPPy JOy JOy :D

happy happy joy joy , happy happy joy joy , happy happy joy joy ,happy happy joy joy ,
happy happy joy joy !! 0.o.....didn't you notice i'm happy xD ..

happy outside,dying inside


IoI mall puchong..

from yulie's house okey,thinking of RONDA-RONDA..and we choose IOI mall puchong,pastu parking kat new wing,saya mana lah tahu sbb yuli yg cakap wing baru ini and ini and ini,macam org xde arah je kami ni,SALE SANA SINI,erghh~(tahan lin tahan,later on shopping okey) :)..
from level 3 to level 1,keep on jalan and gelak kan gelagat org sbb ada cina depan tu seluar nk terlondeh,then mana nk tolak teroli nya,nk tarik sua nya..what a messss for him i guess :D,then go for mcD looking for ice creammmm,yuli diet,but not for me,im eating as much as i can....for now,even i makan banyak xgemuk..kenapa ni lin ? ish !=.=" ..then we looking for TEMPAT DUDUK..choosing choosing,yang ni ramai org lalu lalang,yg ni sama jgk,erghhh.pastu duduk lah dekat tutti futti(nama kedai) sbb xingat kedai depan ahahah..but i noe its pizza's house.. :P yuli pls answer for me..duduk jela smbil mkn ice cream.................10 minit lepas tu,xhabis lagi ice cream.hehh guess bape lama kami mkn ice cream???? smbil tu tgk org lalu lalang,tgk abg abg depan gelak cm nk roboh kedai tu,tgk cina sebelah yg tgk kami,pastu kami gelak sbb cm ORG XBETUL je arini..mkn n terus makan ice cream..lamaaaaaaaaaaaaa nye MAKAN ICE CREAMMMM...LOL..

Monday, May 10, 2010

dear friends.. :)

today routine..cheras+ampang+puchong ikot LDP,jem gila,minyak keta xde,pastu confident je muka,g MCD pandan mewah sebelum tu,borak2 masa duk hostel dulu,ahahahahah WHAT THE tuttttttttttttttt...fetch amy razman kat damansara perdana,yes kami memang confident la... sbb we know the ways actually ! HAHA :D..finally we butik puteh..dear amy,macam mana ko ada lesen tapi jln sume fail? ahaha pastu kata alaaaa,lin kan ada dia ingt jalan nk g damansara...blaablaablaa..dgn selamba nya dia tersalah tunjuk jln :D ni lah jalan nya weyh..seeeee TERLEPAS SIMPANG!( HAHA rasa nak tunjuk je muka dia yg selambe tu &^*&^&*^*)...kami rasa nk tgk wayang,tp tgk jam dah pukul bape dah,nooo nooo noo its late already syg..we had our DAY LAH GILA....wawawawaw....pastu bwt kecoh kat kedai makan sbb dok bahan masa duk HOSTEL dulu,its been 4 years ago..:D,burger,MCD,pasar malam,fun fair,jambu batu,toilet,wawawwa..ngigau,cara tdo,puasa,perangai,blaja sama2,syaitOn syaitOn.. :P.. gelak gelak sampai tegang urat si yuyu,krem krem arghhhh...smpi sembur2 air dgn nasi si amy,seb baik xsmpat sebur :P..finally kami balik dari anta amy kat taman ehsan..hehh..LIN MEMANG TERER BAB2 JALAN KL NEYH ! :P..

psst: amy aNd yulie,thanks for the day...even three of us had a same problems tho..and pls take care ur self amy...CACAT la ko..sangat !..

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A night ..

i've learned a new things in my life..
i've learned everthing in a night..
keep on thinking for a certain solution for her...keep on thinking WHY is this happened for a the age of 19 years rip out her teenager in every second..!for me its is not fair for her to accept everthing bad,everthing doesn't seems "YES"you have to accept it if u're my daughter,sister etc..
pity for her which is for me "that gurl" is a nice gurl for me eventhough i know her for a day..
the bigger problem we have, a THOUSAND problem for her to faced of ALONE!..

only friends is the place for her
only friends know how the feels
only friends know and worried for her
only friends know what is the best for her
only friends know how to keep on comforting her
only friends know how to solve the problem ( you can't imagine that READER)
eventhough we as a friends have a limit,but we tried the best for her..

noted : i can't be her now,i can't imagine how ! :(,take care,we always by ur side..

love LIN..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lash out unfinished within..

  • jagung bakar
  • aiskrim pulut
  • siput sedut
  • climbing
  • hiking
  • diet coke
  • resipi tiru tv :) tp sedap
  • perfume
  • teddy
  • words cencorot,ea,cik sayang,keong etc..
  • caring
  • medicines
  • kelangkabut
  • terlupa
  • crocs.. kelebuk terjatuh :)
  • allergic
  • char kuey tiaw
  • promagranate
  • cherry
  • picture
  • hemok
  • gunung nuang
  • ulu yam
  • selayang
  • collar shirt
  • sleeping beg
  • camping beg
  • mp3
  • tempe
  • pemalas :)
  • rambut tdo :)
  • subway
  • kenny rogers
  • wayang
  • pop corn
  • and MORE!!!

noted : :)

SMK sri hartamas..8/5/2010

we all loved our day! because now i had my fluuu~+ fever= event for a DAY..+ hujan panas.. yes lin..take a good care of ur self then,if you hidrated AGAIN..HOSPITAL please..just like last year... :)...full of jokes,jawa,shah,abg arif,crew crew,abg nizam,is ketam bola.. :)...i have leard a new words from JAWA..which is..HIJAU manja2,and mengelim hadiah AHAHA

kerja kerja kerja,minom bergelen2 air..kutip kupon,makan hotdog roti je..hoho jawa xpuas ati sbb dia bli 4 ringgit,kami bli 3 ringgit..blowww up ur wisell lah..prittttttttttttttttt !

psst : "mengelim" hadiah comes from TEACHER itself..TERSASUL :P

Friday, May 7, 2010

THE day.. 7/5/2010

fri,7/5/2010-9.00 pm.. :)... OUT with aiza again,she is just ( ANGLE) puji puji sikit je..ahahha weyh THANKS sbb ajak aku jalan2..we just from selayang to ampang,then hampa sbbb DET station TUTOP x dapat makan c2..kempunan2,my favourate place..because it has alots of memories that could bring me just yahhhhhhhh just let me noe it alone...:).. .ni semua DIN punya pasal ( adik aiza) titibe lak kan salah kn dia..ekekke..sorry din,its not ur day,xde rezeki..kami kelaparan,thinking OF kerang bakar for sure i loved kerang bakar,rasa nk g kat cheras,tapi jauh,jam dah pukul 10.45 pm.. lewat ni..then patah balik ke slyg..hehhhh habis kn minyak jela,best!! sbb bukan saya yg isi..ekekke.. (MATI AKU DI BACA NIE)..then ke kedai bidara atas..tuuuu diiaaaaaaa dari jauh ada org panggil NAMA LIN SIEW SIEW,LIN SIEW SIEW...ahahah rupe nya si idura and the geng !..gosssippppppp...bincang reunion yang yessss...for sure its end of this month ! 40 of us!..ramai bukan..jumpa si daus,sory lah idura,kami mmg suka bahan org, sbb ko dlm fb suka start dulu kan !..penuh notification aku dgn komen2..ahahah tp aku suka sbb korg merepek BANYAK..baca pown leyh gelak sorg2...when WE meet again then im realize,WEY i CAN'T reconized KORG..who are you,who are you ? sbb nya its been 15 years i guess since we ARE in a secondary school..ada nak kawin,ada dah ada anak..goshhh...TERASA TUA lah pulak :P..

noted : lin you have your friends,they know u well then others..its your life lin,amaized that,life is simple,follow the flow and add some cheers on it lin.... good night reader,thanks for reading my BEBEL2........... <3..........1.33>

Thursday, May 6, 2010


today activities ?------ im just hanging around with fariha aiza..hows GILA she is...from bangsar,mcD for 3 hours..mengumpat cina di hadapan sbb cakap bagi semua org dgr,we just HELLO can u please slow down your volume ? everyone is watching you see see see :D ..smpi ada org siap ikot apa dia cakap..okey back back(iklan)..saya just teman dia buat SURAT yang senang,ada ke suro bagi idea what and what and what...DEAR aiza,i am your dictionary for sure,i loved being dictionary for you and creating someting bombasticccc word yang kkdg xpaham apa itu perkataan..ekekekke...pastu g UNIKL send aiza's letter.. :) thanks for the day kawan even anda tahu anda GILA..yalah i have alotss off fren yang gila..aaaahaaa ! dun tell me that im the one too.. :F

pssttt pssttt : then im REALIZE driving a CAR is JUST erghhhhhh !! wheres your eyes MANNNNN... jadi penumpang pown boleh tekanan gila.. T.T

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

where should i start?

okey lah lets begin with who i am..for shorts im lin siew siew,there you go lin,you have a blog now..this is the place where SEMUA pown boleh BEBEL2..heee..and that it ! nothing much from me,im just lin with a complete creation..see what i saw in this life..its amaized ME..
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