Monday, July 26, 2010


Setiap yg tidak baik akan di balas..sgt sgt bersyukur diri sentiasa di lindungi tuhan..
sabar dlm ape jua keadaan,sentiasa ceria sudah pasti....tidak mengapa jika kita di sakit kn..terima...tidak apa jika kita di fitnah,sbb kita tahu ia akan di balas,tidak perlu lah nk BERDENDAM..what goes around comes around...tidak sampi dua BULAN ia berlaku dan tuhan dah tunjuk siapa salah siapa benar..sgt sgt terkejut dan sedih sbb ia berlaku 2 kali teruk dari apa terjadi...kerana saya SGT SGT lah sabar dgn ape terjadi...mendiam kn diri..tidak memburuk kn dia sikit pun..sentiasa memaaf kn agar dia sedar dgn ape dia bwt saya xrasa dia sedar..keep on comforting others with the storys..oone by one the secrets is out...seems he is perfect totally...yess im the one who knows ALOT OF SECRETS..but never let it out..even its infront of my eyes... hmm.. TIDAK BAIK kn buruk  org lain kn ???..i left it behind and enjoy every single of my time.. hendak jadi bijak dan pandai tapi tidak pandai dan konon dia tahu semuaaaaaa adalah sgt sgt bahaya...menipu org lain juga adalah sgt sgt  bahaya... seee what happened!..LOST EVERTHINGS!..yallahhh  :'( ..bwt lah lin bwt lah..xpe xpe...sabar jela...sabar dgn apa terjadi sebelum ni..selama itu saya diam kn diri shj..macam xde ape ape berlaku..even saya kesian dgn org lain..i CAN'T MAKE IT guys..xboleh nk ckp...saya boleh buat tapi xsmpai hati,saya boleh jatuh kn dia SEKELIP mata..tapi xsmpi ati..kenapa ? ntah...tgk muka korg pown lin kesian nk ckp bnde betul..sbb lin PERCAYA things WILL out loud  ONE day..............BE YOURSELF and this is myself.... i  try not to hurts anybody feelings and try to be happy  to the MAX are nothing  to the eyes of liar !.. CHANGED !! ..

 NOTES : Hidup yg sederhana dan tidak punya masalah dgn org lain adalah lebih bahagia dari mempunyai status dan taraf yg bukan nya MILIK ANDA..awk membahaya kn diri sendiri....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Aroma ikan bakar JERAM,KUALA SELANGOR..

food food food !..
seafood ..
cheras -----> kuala selangor, traffic at 5 pm is freaking JEM !..arrived at jeram,kuala selangor at 8..count it guys..but 4 me if KL xjem mesti cepat sampi kan ?? abOut 1 hours only :)..alaaahhh kuala selangor je.. 160 km/j only zZZZzzz...hehe fastest weii..wearing ur seatbelt plssss.. :D HAHA
the price is reasonable..seafood ? yess theres many types of seafood we can choose accordingly to our needs n EMPTY STOMACH :D..HUNGRY ..psstt pssttt MEMBUKIT AKU MAKAN hohoho.. we choose ketam,udang.sotong,ikan,lala,kerang, PENUH MEJA..i was like....Ohh MY !! GILA BANYAK..mcm mana nk habis kn ni wei ? danggggggg ~..butt we finish it !..amaized kn ? alaahh mkn seafood ok la..xkenyang sgt pown.but worth it.. price ? 250 ? cheap !!... due to add  itu n ini i suggenst that for a FAMILY okey lah ! :)..PUAS HATI !! dah la tepi pantai,atas jeti lagi...angin sepoi sepoi bahasa.. nyaman je heheheh

 enjoy ! :P

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


now what ? the way we conduct ourself that shows wht is the exactly should and shouldn't :)...gahh !!..
variety our life for sure u'll get the benefits for it :)..
follow the flow okey ? !..
EAT as much as u wanted to !..WEIGHT ? is doesn't matter..MAKAN MAKAN..
CLIMB as long ur body can accept it..FEAR the challenge guys..
TRY something new in YOURLIFE.. :)..

aley ! 

lets CLIMB...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

is not easy to rich ..

ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! this is how it felt when we need to work ..tired is better then work,for me !.. more flexible,more time for ourself  =.="...can aa weee study and study without work ? until we die.. now im becoming a hunter for money as a part timer.. my job now ? funnn of course.. :).. eventhough i need to woke up early early in the morning..and back at night.. haishh yawn*( hurghhh ) i need my rest well... nyte reader ! :)

lights off ~ CLICK..ZZzzz

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

my path..

 Not that path was smooth and pothole free but still it was my path and like me, it was bound to be unique..

sesat.............dear apek ! :D

hahaha dear apek ! today my journey with apek !..we sesat twice at putrajaya...looking for precint 6 then 20..hahahahahhaha FUNNY !..i noe where is precint 6 buttt...i get confius with apek..what actually n which one should we follow n he is just ! " alaaahhh kita redah je..sesat2 pusing c2 jgk ! "hahahahahah apekkkkkkkkkkkkk......awk ni suka wat saya gelak besar la..heheh...thanks for picking me up to PCP..thanks for sesat..i wanna that again..sesat best kan ? heeee...yg best nye kita masok consturction mana tah..hahaha..bina bangunan ye apek ? ahahaha..dah la kita ckp mcm kelangkabut je..syok borak borak then sesat ? ngeeee :P...

wekkkkkk :D

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

annoyed !

Life is like Crappy..Crappy roller Coaster....If U like "IT",you'll Be Fine...If U Hate "IT",there'll BE PUKE...EVERYWHERE...every-WHERE..!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

in open relationship with KENNETH LIM....

. :P..CRAZY lah..he's ?..
= he's chinesee..
= he's crazy
= he's sweet la jgk :D
= he's well speak in MALAY n BI...i like haha 
= he's simple
= he's okey la..
= he's sikit comel la ..HAHA..
= he's  nice guy la even  chinese..
= he likes JAZZ(old minded) haha ..
= he's penang
= likes to eat spaghetti much ( he said since kids) LOL.. ^^
= got two harness and 1 shoes and 2 chalk beg..( he said lah )..
=caring jgk la.. :P..
= totally ?  ahahahahah PLS dun laugh at me okey ? saje saje je i bwt..xde kerja :D

being humble..

whats ur perception of word HUMBLE ? funny ? sweet ? pretend to be ? wanna be ? newbie ? haha (out of topic..)..tetttttttttttt ! next..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

ahhhhh ! lama nya ..

it's been errrr how many weeks i didn't blogging hah !..haha lama kan ? sgt2 busy work work !!..fasi's and soo i have a limited time for this..but ! we goo..i'm back!.. so whats new from me ? alot to shre of wait for the next TITLE YAH ! teeeheee :)