- jagung bakar
- aiskrim pulut
- siput sedut
- climbing
- hiking
- diet coke
- resipi tiru tv :) tp sedap
- perfume
- teddy
- words cencorot,ea,cik sayang,keong etc..
- caring
- medicines
- kelangkabut
- terlupa
- crocs.. kelebuk terjatuh :)
- allergic
- char kuey tiaw
- promagranate
- cherry
- picture
- hemok
- gunung nuang
- ulu yam
- selayang
- collar shirt
- sleeping beg
- camping beg
- mp3
- tempe
- pemalas :)
- rambut tdo :)
- subway
- kenny rogers
- wayang
- pop corn
- and MORE!!!
noted : :)
we all loved our day! because now i had my fluuu~+ fever= event for a DAY..+ hujan panas.. yes lin..take a good care of ur self then,if you hidrated AGAIN..HOSPITAL please..just like last year... :)...full of jokes,jawa,shah,abg arif,crew crew,abg nizam,is ketam bola.. :)...i have leard a new words from JAWA..which is..HIJAU manja2,and mengelim hadiah AHAHA
kerja kerja kerja,minom bergelen2 air..kutip kupon,makan hotdog roti je..hoho jawa xpuas ati sbb dia bli 4 ringgit,kami bli 3 ringgit..blowww up ur wisell lah..prittttttttttttttttt ! psst : "mengelim" hadiah comes from TEACHER itself..TERSASUL :P