helo reader,as i said blog will be update soon right ? so there it is...
new news from me,yaa i noe u'll would be bored reading this,HAHA alaaaahhh xpe la ea ea ea :)
the comp = tu lah pmpn,susah bwt keputusan :P ,at last im entering the comp at putra..so hows it look alike ?
here the sinopsis
by friday evening im calling yan at pcp and decide to enter the comp,fee ? 5 ringgit..fun fun and fun..
im late and LOST !..u see @_@ and yan said...(BOLEH SESAT PEGI SINI )?? SESAT ?? haha..and i says..helo ter masuk presint 8 lah terrr okey terrr..then lin ikot dengkil.so smpi ehehehe :P..begin with qualified route then pass then =to semi final route then pass= then final route ..how many then lah lin..its okey lah even final route hard..ekekek here the pictures..