SO..did you GET anything from ur family and friends? or ur boyfriend?:D..
to good to be telling u guys that i am so happy for my DAY!..thank you MOM,thank you DAD for the PRESENT..lots of wishesss from u guys..thank you friends.thank you boyfriend for the necklace and surprise celebration kee ? :).. Facebook friends,school mate,college mate,climber mate..thank for all doa and may ur will be paid :)..
hahah ok la atas bahasa inggeris,bawah bahasa melayu la plak :D..
kang cm xsedar diri lak kan :P..hahah ni nak cite ni..cmne surprise celebration tu ?:D..hahah cm lawak pun xlawak pn ada..well well..tapi sian dgn kwn2 la sbb dorg yang kena tunngu lama 2 jam konon nk suprise sy sy xdtg2 dgn aris,,,HARIS SESAT DOE!..APTB la dia tu...hahaha..thank you thank you :)<3 <3
muahh muahhh :)