Tuesday, September 14, 2010

i get it from her..

darl... believes that challenges come before us so that we can discover the magnitude of our strength, and without all that, we will never grow stronger...
sometimes the road we walked is rough, but it's the bumps along the way that will make u learn the most and gain the most strength...
Be who u want to be, not what others wants to see. Be true. Be unique. Be free... Live life to the fullest.
Yesterday u cannot change. Tomorrow u cannot predict. Don't let this unfortunate sad situation gets to u.It is not a hill worth dying on. Don't let these circumstances tear your heart in to. Soon, this sad chapter of your life will be gone...It is just a matter of time...
Take care love... :) 

p/s: i'll make your words become my strength bed..thank you for this..life must go on..but the memory never fade away..

xde bende lawak

raya ni xde bnde lawak ?..
naaaaa...pasti haru bila beraya....
oh yee..saya punya raya ?
ok ! FUN !..tapi !
hahahah..wa target banyak la kn duit raya..tp xsedar tu dah besarrr..huahua
tp xpela..dapat jugak..

dialog nk duit raya ??

aku - (melihat je budak budak bratur)

budak budak (kazen2)- kak lin dapat duit rayaaa..(pegi tayang tayang kat aku lagi)

aku - panas..ahahahaha bajetttt budak budak nieeee.. :P,xboleh main mercun ! ahakss

(bila turn saya ) ?

beratur jugak..HAHA buat muka COMEL! ..pastu saya ckp..cik lin xdpat duit raya ke ? hahah
pastu sume org gelak,...n berkata..sbb kau sekolah lagi,..nahh !..hehehe
saya dapat doe !..
kazen kazen yg dah kawen pun wa tapauu !..lin nk jugak duit RAYA..xkawinn lagiii..
org besau duit pun besauu arkk ?
tp mmg susah kalau dah besar ni..habuk pun tarak :P
xpe lin RAYA SEBULAN !..MISI KENE TERUS KN ! huahua..
untung untung leyh bli KASUT CLIMB BARU ekkkk ...ni baru raya ke 5..
haha..LIN LIN -.-"

what should i tell ?

this ? that ? or mayb i'll keep it ? heh..

hello im back..

have been 5days of RAYA huh ? 
what did you guys eat for this RAYA ?
mee too !! -.-"
im FAT lol
cannt tahan la balik kg..makanan SEDAP2...huahua...

biasa la bila family gathering..alot of kampung food will out..damn !..

dear CLIMER and friends..i misss YOU guyss soo much..so DO others classmate....SWEET X ? ekekek

ok ok later blog..bye :)