Sunday, October 2, 2011

Final Year Project.

fiuhhh been 2 month i didn't update any activities..

quite busy for two month,so so so..cant barely says that it was a hectic MONTH for me..i am i am...

oh oh,crying,mix of feeling ..gahhhhhhh...u can feels it when u are doing DEGREE,MASTER and PHD..wowowowowow @_@

my topic was kind of diffrent anyway..DYSLEXIA...yaa it iss DYSLEXIA children i've been research about..soo soo sooo diffrent with my course..what can i do,i like something new,something that different..sooo NAHHHH!..mendapat ko...betul betul susah...VITAL thing in my life..MY RESEARCH AND ONLY IN MEDICAL SECTOR etc etc etc..+ doing testing,testing for something that never been implement in dyslexia SOCIETY..seee how the scope relate..obj relate,problem relate..observation..and i have to read MEDICAL BOOKS...sooo truuuee im telling you..kind of im researching about THE BRAIN of dyslexia children..hahahahahaahahahah...

its kinda a good information,and i love children,they are still small,primary school,active,energetic,and at the same time they have a problem regarding in slow learning based!some of them are very bright..its based on,we cannt think what they think..the children keep on asking something out of the box..yaa FUN!..mayb i have this kinda "DYSLEXIA"..because,in childhood time..i cannot differentiate between" left and right",and some of alphabets turn into reflections of mirror..hahahahahahaah..whether its true or not,DUNNO :P...heyyy,im very bright WOMAN ok..heh heh...

so tommorw 3/10/2011,the gadget i will be implement and do a testing while presentation is held,is the true of my genuine research! doing it with tears of blood and sweat!..hahahah sooo sooo restless..soo soo tired..less sleep, everything in a minor abnormal behavior!hahahahh..

ok that for today...HAVE A BLAST LIN!..u can go COVENTRY UNIVERSITY UK! :) pray for me :)

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